Teachers' Council
The Teachers' Council is a statutory body as per Calcutta University Act. Teachers’ Council is formed with all permanent faculties including librarian reflecting on the principles of participation in decision making process in a democratic atmosphere. It takes the responsibility of quality assurance at the level of teaching –learning and evaluation. It acts in the interest of the teachers while upholding and enhancing standards in the teaching profession. Teachers’ Council shall be to advise the Principal on all academic matters including students’ welfare, time table, conduct of examination, improvement of Library, laboratories and teaching facilities. The principal acts as the Ex-officio President of this council. Different committees are formed by teacher’s council where the members are selected from the teachers. Meeting of Teachers council is presided by the principal. The Teachers’ Council meets at fairly regular intervals (presided by the Principal) and various issues are sorted out with a thorough discussion so as to ensure smooth functioning of the college Teachers’ Council is always working sincerely on achieving the vision and mission of this college with the help of experiences and innovative –mindedness of our esteemed faculty members."